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Love & Profit: 10 Ways to Transform Customers into Lustomers 

Increase profits, earn more referrals, and make better decisions by building great customer Lustomer relationships.

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Spark thought-provoking and action-inspiring conversations with your leadership team.

structured conversation

Bring structure to your Lustomer strategy:

Communications - how well are you connecting with customers, employees, and partners?

Creative programs - where can you improve or try new forms of engagement?

Culture - is your team on the same page?

Bryan - circle
"Two of the strongest motivators known to humankind are love and profit. I believe we can change the world with love, and I want to find every honest way to make businesses grow."

Bryan Rutberg, Founder and Principal

Bryan guides and inspires  leaders and their organizations to demonstrate love, understanding, and appreciation for their customers as a clear path to deeper loyalties, greater market share, and way more fun for everyone.

Download your eBook today!